Firstie News

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Dear Parents,


What a week! It has been moving right along with caterpillars, APEX, and the short week. In class, our firsties were writing about their butterfly field trip. I could not believe the writing. It was amazing. Each student was able to write sentences and add detail to their work. Amazing work!


For math, we have been practicing measurement. Our class has been discussing and measuring various objects. Students have also used rulers and learned about inches.


A big shout out to The Black Family! They donated caterpillars and we are watching for the big transformation. Thank you!


Another big thank you to all families, who donated glue sticks! We were in bad shape. Now, we should make it to the end of school.


Just a few reminders…tomorrow is a half day. Then, we are off on Friday and Monday for the holiday weekend.


Have a great long weekend!

Ms. Trowbridge