Firstie News

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Good morning!


Our first graders are moving right along towards May. We have been writing and learning about more insects. In class, we are watching for caterpillars to move into a pupa stage. Unfortunately, we had a few caterpillars die. We are hoping to see a butterfly shortly. During our reading and writing block, our class is learning about ore, oar, and orn words. We continue to practice our spelling in efforts to support our reading.


Just a reminder….please pack extra water for you child. As we move towards May, the temperatures are beginning to warm up. I am reminding the class to stay hydrated during the day.


Finally, our spring concert is on Wednesday, April 19th.  The concert begins at 5pm and your child will need to arrive at 4:30-4:45pm. The early time will allow for teachers to place your child in order. Thank you!


Have a great day!

Ms. Trowbridge