Weekly News

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Dear Parents,

Happy New Year! This week, our firsties have been talking about resolutions and what it means to them. I am so excited to see the kids think thoughtfully about this concept and what is important to them.  For math, we are talking about place value and number sense. We are moving right along with this concept.

Keep in mind, at the beginning of the week, I sent home new sight words for the quarter. These sight words are words your child must know and will allow your child to be a successful reader in school. Secondly, I also sent home spelling words. Please let me know if your child forgot them at school.


January Community Activity- Save the Date!  

We had so much fun at December’s Find Mrs. Laramie! It was so much fun to get together as a community to enjoy each other’s time. January’s will be a picnic at the Riparian on January 21st at 11 am! More specific details to come!

San Tan’s Annual Gifted Testing 

If you are interested in having your child tested for giftedness, please complete the digital Parent Request Form, along with the $50 Co-Pay, linked below.  Gifted testing is will be offered in mid. February. Once a child is identified as gifted, they do not need to retest.

  • If your child is currently in a gifted class and identified as ‘provisional’ they will automatically be retested, you do not need to send in the recommendation form.: -)
  • Gifted Testing Requests are due no later than January 12th of 2023.
  • Digital Parent Request & Payment:  Click Here


Reenrollment is LIVE

This year, we have gone to completely ONLINE registration!  No more paper packets!!  While the phone app is convenient for most things – we recommend using a computer to complete re-enrollment.  We highly recommend getting your application finished as soon as possible as we prioritize current families and we already have a substantial pool of new students wanting to enroll.

Please Log into your Parent Portal. Go to “More” and then “Online Registration.”

  1. Confirm existing students’ information
  2. Add any new siblings

If you are adding a sibling this year you will want to have some documents ready as you will be required to upload them before you are able to move forward in the application.

  • Birth Certificate
  • Proof of Residency
  • Immunization Records (exemption form available in application)
  • IEP/504/Gifted Score Documents (if applicable)


If you have questions or need assistance with re-enrollment and/or the parent portal please feel free to reach out to Christine Gray, cgray@santancs.com, or Sydney Burdeno at sburdeno@santancs.com.


Have a great day.

Ms. Trowbridge