Dear Parents,
How are you? Our class is loving writing stories in their journals. I am so surprised to see how much they have grown as readers and writers. During our language arts, we are discussing long vowels, ee and ea. We are also reading about animals this week. In math, children are learning to add double digits, using a number line or hundreds chart. With President’s Day, the American flag has been our focus.
In an earlier email, I sent out our next field trip link. We are going to Butterfly Wonderland and it will be an all day trip. The bus will leave right at 9:30 and return to school by 2:30pm. The link is- If you are interested in chaperoning, then please feel free to sign-up through this link-
Tomorrow is Learning Celebration! As a reminder, parents can show up to start at 1 pm (and be lining up earlier) to pick up kiddos. There will be no drive lane tomorrow. I look forward to seeing you on this day!
Month at a Glance
- Science Fair 2/2
- Learning Celebration 2/3
- Friendship Grams 2/6-2/10
- Regional Spelling Bee 2/15
- Honk Performances 2/16-2/18
- School is Closed- 2/20
- Gifted Testing 2/20-3/3
- Learning Celebration
- Learning Celebration is a time-honored tradition that we have at San Tan where families are invited into each student’s classroom to celebrate all the hard work and learning the students have done. We will run Learning Celebration from 1:00-3:30 (11:30-12:00 for half day Kinder) on Friday February 3rd.
- Playground Equipment
Reenrollment is LIVE
This year, we have gone to completely ONLINE registration! No more paper packets!! While the phone app is convenient for most things – we recommend using a computer to complete re-enrollment. We highly recommend getting your application finished as soon as possible as we prioritize current families and we already have a substantial pool of new students wanting to enroll.
Please Log into your Parent Portal. Go to “More” and then “Online Registration.”
- Confirm existing students’ information
- Add any new siblings
Have a great day!
Ms. Trowbridge