Firstie News
Dear Parents,
How are you? This week has been moving along. In the past few days, I had several questions about Parent-teacher Conferences. Usually, the link is posted in the weekly newsletter. If you happened to have missed the link, then here it is-
Be ready! Next week, our firsties will bring home their first project home. It is our Donut Shop! Stay tuned for more details!
Next week, we have many school events. Please read for the many activities!
Peace Day
Typically, we have an activity on the day to remind our students about how to bring peace to the world. Last year, we focused on mindfulness and destressing activities. This year, we are looking at inclusiveness and how to show friends that you care.
Student and the teachers will be creating and decorating a Buddy Bench for our playground. Buddy Benches were invented to combat loneliness in schools. Students will be guided to understand that those who sit on the Buddy Bench are nonverbally signally to others that they are feeling lonely and isolated and need a friend to play with or someone to talk to. Student will make promises to invite those who are sitting on the Buddy Bench to play or talk by tying a ribbon to the bench, symbolizing their promise.
Parent-Teacher Conference Dinner Donations
We are having our Fall Late-night Parent Teacher Conference Thursday September 22nd and would greatly appreciate your donations for dinner. Our teachers and staff will be here all day and night and love your kindness and amazing dinners! The theme this time around is “Breakfast for Dinner”!
If you are able to donate, please drop off all non-perishable items on or before Wednesday, September 21st. Perishable items can be dropped off after school until 4:00 on September 22nd.
Homecoming Spirit Week
September 19-23rd
- Multiverse Monday- Dress as your opposite
- TVA Tuesday- Decades Day
- Captain America Wednesday- Wear Red, White and Blue
- Infinity Stone Thursday- Dress in class colors
- Blue- Kinder and First Grade
- Red- Second Grade
- Yellow- Third Grade
- Green- Fourth Grade
- Orange- Fifth Grade
- Purple- Sixth Grade
- Roadrunners Assemble Friday- Wear your best Roadrunner School spirit!
Love and Logic Free Class
Introduction to Parenting the Love and Logic Way
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Click the link below for more information
Have a great night!
Amy Trowbridge, M.Ed.
First Grade Teacher
San Tan Charter School
Call- 480.222.0811