Firstie News

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Dear Parents,


I am so proud of how hard the class is working. This week, our class got the chance to see the new computers and we even tried a new math program. The kids are so thrilled. For the last two weeks, the class is discussing reindeer, while reading and writing about them. In math, we have wrapped up our unit around graphing and answering questions.


Before everyone settles into the winter break, please be on the look-out for two emails around Parent- Teacher Conferences and Next Week Fun. These emails will be out in the next day or two.


More Important Information-

Half-Day Camp

We have a half-day coming up on December 17th. If you need camp care on that half-day, please fill out the following link.


2022-2023 Enrollment

We have begun re-enrollment for next year. We have a two-process step for re-enrollment. Reenrollment paperwork and Infinite Campus Kiosk will be due by January 14th.

STEP 1:  Please complete the online application for your children (One online application per family).   Infinite Campus KIOSK LINK

STEP 2:  Please review the ’22-23 Enrollment Instructions’ document (see link) for the remaining paperwork requirements.  22-23 Enrollment Instructions


Have a great day!


Amy Trowbridge, M.Ed.

First Grade Teacher

San Tan Charter School



Call- 480.222.0811